Swakopmund – Coastal Namibia

Swakopmund doesn’t feel like the rest of Namibia, at least not the Namibia we’ve seen so far. This is a seaside town with rocky beaches, dramatic waves, boardwalks, upscale restaurants, condos, and a lot of things Germanic— food, colonial architecture and language. Not much camping here. It’s more a place where you rent a beach cottage and enjoy the restaurants and bars on the boardwalk. Richard found us a lovely room with a balcony and view of the ocean.

Next we drive to Barkhan Dune Retreat in Solitaire. Unfortunately there’s some flood damage to the road, and it’s already corrugated to begin with. The pass isn’t going to be easy either. Hope we get through with all the recent rain. Wish us luck!

Reluctant subject

Some of the interesting architecture near the boardwalk
Namib Dune craft beer has to be opened and poured very slowly. It was quite a project to fill this mug at Tiger Beach Bar & Grill.

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