Squirrel Adventures

We return to camp to find Rocky and his buddies pillaging our belongings (not actual photo of Rocky). There has been instances of rabies in Etosha so I became worried. Tossing a few stones his direction made him think I was feeding him and encouraged more bad behavior. Given the options of holing up in the camper which is 130 degrees, running away, or a more forceful action I decide to try and bean Rocky with a stone.  After a few misses, I finally hit his hindquarter. Rocky proceeded to roll around on the ground with more drama than a soccer player feigning injury. Immediately I feel awful and think about actions as Rocky is destined for the evening meal of an eagle. Is there an Etosha squirrel vet?  Perhaps make a squirrel splint?  Or, maybe put Rocky out of his misery?  After 10 seconds of deliberations, Rocky hops up and heads down his squirrel hole. Suckered by a rodent. 

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