Richard’s Camping Tips

Richard has been compiling tips for a while now, so I’m sure this will be the first of many videos! 🙂

One tip to add for those in a rooftop tent, along with a word of explanation: So far in the southern desert (110°F days), we’ve been able to sleep with our screens unzipped at night. Hoping we can do the same in the Central Kalahari. The cool is such a luxury and air circulation is 1000x times better with the screens open. The tip: don’t do this too close to trees–too many creepy crawlies can get in! (And I have a huge fear of snakes in trees). You’ll wake up with some itchy bites and have to evict a dozen big brown moths each morning but, for us, it’s so far been worth it. Once we’re in mosquito/monkey territory, we’ll definitely zip up. And don’t ever unzip in a ground tent! Regardless. (You saw the lion video, right?!)

Upcoming: More eles! This time from the watering hole at Molose in Khutse Game Reserve…

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