
We are now at Morukuru Owner’s House in the Madikwe Game Reserve.

We have a lot of pictures to share! We’ve seen wild dogs, rhinos, lions, elephants, giraffes and buffalo (not to mention the impala, kudu, wildebeest and lots of birds), and we still have two more days. The house where we’re staying is amazing. I will post a video for you soon. For now, here are some pics from our drive yesterday. This morning we had breakfast in the hide overlooking the watering hole. The eles you can see in the background came to drink, They were incredible to watch. And funny! Wait ’til you see the baby ele video I got!

Morukuru Family Madikwe

Madikwe Game Reserve – quick info from Wikipedia

More animal photos, videos, ansd stories coming soon!

Just the start… our first day and the wild dogs —

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