Marakele National Park 2024

Where we are:

This is our first campsite for our new trip. There has been a lot of sorting and organizing. We stopped at the local SuperSpar in Thabazimbi for groceries and supplies on our way to camp and spent our first day figuring out all the new things about this rig– different awning (NOT an improvement–it’s too difficult to secure), new electrical panel (I like it, but Richard might be on the fence about it). I really love the more spacious top and bigger windows for better air circulation. The fridge and freezer chests are so far working well. Overall, everything is good. Wait, everything except the horrible stepping stool to get in and out of the rig. We are replacing that asap. We should probably get two, since the kitchen fold out is too high up for me to easily cook. Picture of me trying to stir a pot on the burner is forthcoming. :-0

Evening at our campsite:

When we were scouting out campsites on Saturday we discovered the park now has a lovely little swimming pool, apparently added last year. As you might imagine, between set up and pool time, we are both now beet red with sunburn. Yesterday was really hot and it looks like today will be, too. We’re still acclimating, so it no doubt feels hotter than it is. In any case, I’m especially happy to have a pool for a bit.

One of the great things about this park is that it’s quiet with very few people (only two or three other campsites are occupied right now and, other than the bad monkeys at 5am, it’s only the birds and zebra hooves making noise. This park is usually overlooked by campers because seeing big game can be hit or miss, and there are relatively few campsites, so those who prefer something more social are out of luck. Each morning and evening we watch the zebras, kudu and impala gallop by and graze in the meadow just opposite us. The campsites here are unfenced, so the animals come by with all of their grunts and grass munching–a whole family of kudu walked through the open campsite next to us last evening. It was a treat to se them as we had a sundowner and relaxed.

The monkeys woke us this morning. They are naughty! Two of them thumped unto our metal table about 5:30 this morning and tore into the bag of fire lighter. They barked at each other and made a ruckus through the campground, running up trees, jumping and chasing each other (and tearing anything open that might be food).

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2 responses to “Marakele National Park 2024”

  1. Ken Elam Avatar
    Ken Elam

    Such memories your reports trigger of the sights and sounds of Africa!
    We loved Botswana, and hope things go well for that nation about which we, on the other side of the world, hear little. Did either of you ever get into the Ladies Number One Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith, from 1998-2022? Set in Gaborone.
    Safe and healthy travels to you.

    1. OurSandTracks Avatar

      Hi Ken! It’s so good to hear from you. I love the Ladies Number 1 book series! It reminds me so much of this country whenever I think about it. We listened to the first book under an A-frame in the Kalahari when we camped here last. That brings back memories!