
We arrived in Johannesburg Wednesday morning. After thirty hours of travel, followed by long lines at immigration, we finally met up with our driver Lucky. He loaded our luggage and whisked us off. It was wonderful not to have to think, because my brain was complete mush by the time we touched down. As Lucky directed us to the car park, I was completely amazed to see him get on the escalator with the fully loaded airport trolley. Only for the brave.

On our way to the hotel, Lucky took us to see Mandela’s family residence, which is in the area. The family still owns the property, but it is currently unoccupied. The planters in front are surrounded by inscribed stones that were left by people after Mandela passed away.

The Residence Hotel is nice; though we arrived to maintenance noise and no running water (apparently it got turned off temporarily). The manager, however, fixed things up and treated us to dinner. Later in the evening we had some quiet time and spent it in the hot tub (bliss!). It’s been chilly in the mornings and early evenings. With the room, we decided to treat ourselves to the penthouse, so we’re up top with a great view and the hot tub, and on the back deck there’s an outdoor bath and shower. A treat after so much traveling! Richard always finds the best places!

Relaxing at the hotel…

Yesterday we picked up our rig from Bushlore and spent a couple of hours going over it, checking to make sure we had all the essentials. There were a few new things to review (like when to use the differential lock) and a few new things to learn with the vehicle’s new updated camper. Here are some pictures:

I’m going to need a stool to cook!

A Surprise platter with chocolates and dramatic dry ice to cap off a couple of delicious meals!

We head to Marakele National Park this morning for our first camping adventure!

(I’m typing this from the deck this early morning with my coffee and I hear the go away bird just off the deck with it’s “wah-wah go away go away.” I just love this place!

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2 responses to “Johannesburg”

  1. Will Avatar

    I enjoy following your adventures and learning about the world around us.

    Thank you guys!

    1. OurSandTracks Avatar

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying, Will!