• Elephants Swimming

    Elephants Swimming

    I’m going through some video footage finally. These elephants were enjoying a swim in the Marico River in the Madikwe Game Reserve. A few things of note: yes, there are crocodiles in the river (eles didn’t seem bothered); and, we are sitting on a very narrow concrete bridge that was…

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  • Zambezi Region/Caprivi Strip, Namibia

    Zambezi Region/Caprivi Strip, Namibia

    After Chobe, we headed to Kasane for provisioning. Shopping was hectic and I was glad to finish and be on our way. We crossed into Namibia and camped at Nambwa in Bwabawata National Park for four days. It was a nice campsite with a powerpoint (luxury!) and a new private…

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  • Chobe National Park, March 6th-9th

    Chobe National Park, March 6th-9th

    We spent three nights in the Chobe National Park camping at Ihaha on the Chobe River. From our campsite, we watched crocodiles, heard the hippos around the corner and sat in awe as herds of animals wandered along the river’s edge to graze each morning or afternoon. We had giraffes…

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