• Namibia 2022

    Namibia 2022

    The old German colonial ghost town of Kolmannskuppe. It’s eerie the way sand is slowly swallowing everything. Sand and dust. Namibia’s roads go on forever. As we drove, we didn’t see other cars for what seemed like forever, and when we did, we stayed far back because the dust kicked…

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  • Marakele National Park February 2022

    Marakele National Park February 2022

    Marakele National Park is located in the Waterberg Mountains a couple of hours north from Johannesburg in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The park sits in a transitional zone that is somewhere between the dry deserts to the west and the moist biospheres to the east. It’s a great…

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  • Dung Beetles

    Dung Beetles

    I have been negligent. All this time I have been concentrating my posts on the big guys—lions, elephant, buffalo—and I have neglected to mention the lowly, but important, dung beetle. This very large insect looks like a small bird and sounds like a mammoth bee.  Here’s what I’ve learned: 1.…

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