• Johannesburg


    We arrived in Johannesburg Wednesday morning. After thirty hours of travel, followed by long lines at immigration, we finally met up with our driver Lucky. He loaded our luggage and whisked us off. It was wonderful not to have to think, because my brain was complete mush by the time…

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  • We Have a Real Website!

    We Have a Real Website!

    After a lot of frustration and cursing, we now have a functioning website & blog. It’s been a huge learning curve trying to figure out WordPress, image optimization, backup files, video editing…the list goes on. In making this site, I have generally avoided doing anything that involves typing actual HTML…

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  • Back to Africa

    Back to Africa

    We fly to Johannesburg January 15th! More camping in 2024! I can tell I’m excited about returning to Africa. First, I can’t stop talking about it. (Richard would likely say I just can’t stop talking. Hmm, well, perhaps…) Second, I am now Googling things like ‘are Wildebeests dangerous?’ and ‘encounters…

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