Africa is difficult especially when it comes to driving. Averaging 30 kph is not unusual and hazards abound – deep sand, mud, water, sharp rocks, donkeys (which are high on the Namibian fatality rate), goats, sheep, cows, people, and the occasional elephant that appears from the bush. Sometimes the drives are 3-4 hours and other times 10 hours but always exhausting. After arriving at camp we need to pop the tent to cool it off and secure the vehicle. Camp chairs are placed and the table is removed. I usually now sit to relax. Lisa is a flurry of activity, probably due to the driving, and begins an unending motion of disposing of dead bugs from the tent, shaking sheets, spraying doom everywhere, and then decides clothes need to be hand washed. Already exhausted, I become anxious with all this activity. I feel a compulsion to do something. Using I go to the fridge and rearrange all the beers that have been tossed about on the drive, find the coldest one and return to my chair. This usually resolves my anxiety.

Why the lizard? Well, we’ve watched a lot of animal behavior and I have become impressed with the lizard. He’ll sit patiently on a rock or wall and wait 30 minutes for something to come by and flick his tongue and have a satisfying lunch. Good idea I thought and made a L shape with my fingers and placed it on my forehead. Lisa look at me and said “I’m not a loser”. No, be the lizard and relax it’ll come to you. I’ve been using the L frequently with some success. I still have to get my own beer.

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