A Bad Day for Squirrels

The monkeys were terrible today especially after finding a way into a caravan, opening the fridge and eating at least 3 bags of gummy bears, a couple kit kats, and who knows what else. Most of them looked like they just came from a PCP experiment. Emboldened with a new found glucose high the terror began. I managed to chase most up a tree with the monkey axe but a few remained inside of the caravan making so much noise I was tempted to put up a sign “if this van is a rockin, don’t come knockin”. Our camp squirrel valiantly joined the cause racing up the tree after the monkeys. While I didn’t see the actual event, soon he fell about 30 feet to the ground. Some fasciculations occurred but I was hopeful given the Rocky the squirrel event but alas there was bleeding from the mouth and respiration stopped. Hmm, now what?  I’m no longer obligated to render aid and the whole rabies thing is a problem so respectfully he was tossed over the fence with a spade. 

This was bad enough but later other squirrels were in the tree presumably looking for their brave friend.  A hawk landed in the tree and for over an hour the squirrels chirped louder than chip and dale (were they squirrels or strippers?). Eventually the hawk came crashing to the ground but we couldn’t tell what happened but it became quiet.  

No photos will be posted for the sensitivity of the viewer.

Life can be rough in the bush.

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